Welcome to the Bonus Level :-)
Documents & Links
On the left, you find all the relevant documents and links to guide you on your Toastmasters Journey.
Easyspeak and Pathways are the two essential platforms we use for our meetings. Easyspeak is used to plan roles and attendance for the meetings. For example, if you want to give a speech you have to put your speech title and pathway on easysepak. Pathways is the educational platform to track your progress. Once you have chosen a pathway - e.g. "Presentation Mastery" - there are different levels to be completed. It is essential that a member keeps tracks of their progress and updates the system accordignly. Pathways is also full of educational material (e.g. tips on better speech writing) that is instrumental to one's public speaking improvement journey. To access pathways, go to Toastmasters International website (link on the left) and log-in into your account. Then, click on base camp and select "Toastmasters St. Gallen." For more details please find a link to a useful tutorial on the left.
There are also useful links to the websites like the HSG student union. On the student union website our club has a channel for students of the University. Don't hesitate to login and follow our Channel.
Finally, you find on the left helpful documents for the meetings and about our club.
Our club ist part of Toastmasters District 109, Division E, Area 4
Club number: 2904427
Payment Informations
Toastmasters St. Gallen, Dufourstrasse 50, 9000 St. Gallen
Bank: Postfinance, 9000 St. Gallen
Account: 85-193057-0
IBAN: CH33 0900 0000 85 19 30 57 0